
The RMO ontology is designed to facilitate the automatic matching of candidate profiles with job descriptions, enhancing the recruitment process for both recruiters and candidates. This ontology integrates key concepts such as skills, qualifications, experiences, job roles, and technologies, structured to improve job matching, career management, and labor market analysis.


An Application Profile is a specification that reuses terms from one or more base standards, adding more specificity by identifying mandatory, recommended and optional elements to be used for a particular application, as well as recommendations for controlled vocabularies to be used.

A Dataset is a collection of data, published or curated by a single source, and available for access or download in one or more formats.

A Data Portal is a Web-based system that contains a data catalogue with descriptions of datasets and provides services enabling discovery and reuse of the datasets.

A Controlled Lists Controlled lists, also known as controlled vocabularies, are predefined sets of terms used to ensure consistency and accuracy in data representation and retrieval. In the context of an ontology, controlled lists play a crucial role in standardizing the terminology used across different entities and relationships. This standardization is essential for maintaining the integrity of the data model, facilitating interoperability between systems, and improving the precision and recall in information retrieval.

Graphical representation

The graphical representation of the Application Profile is provided in the form of an UML class diagram 1 and is depicted in the figure below. The boxes represent classes while the arrow connections represent properties establishing relations to other classes. The attributes inside boxes represent properties providing either literal data values or relation to other classes that are omitted from the diagram. Both, arrows and attributes, are labelled with the names of the properties coupled with the prefix of the namespace where they are defined.

The cardinality specifications on the connector (_ .. _) arrows and next to the attributes, marked in square brackets ( [ ] ) represent constraints on how the property may be employed on the class instances and has a normative meaning. The first number means minimum cardinality constraint and the second means maximum cardinality constraint. The minimum cardinality constraint is zero (0 .. _ ) for optional properties and one (1 .. _) for mandatory properties. The maximum cardinality constraint is usually unspecified ( _ .. *) or limited to one (_ .. 1) and has no normative value in this application profile. If the cardinality is not specified then the implied meaning is exactly one (1..1).

The stereotypes, marked in the double angle brackets (<< >>), used in the diagram are based on RDFS model. They have an indicative and not a semantic value.

UML class diagram for the current application profile
Conceptual Model Image
PrefixNamespace IRI

The Domain Model

The domain model diagram presents a structured representation of the Recruitment Match Ontology (RMO), detailing the key concepts and relationships that facilitate the matching of candidate profiles with job description in a recommender system. This ontology captures essential aspects of candidate information, job requirements, and their interactions.

Main Entities

The main entities are those that form the core of the Application Profile.


A geographic area or place characterized by its physical coordinates and corresponding time zone.
Usage Note
A geographic area or place characterized by its physical coordinates and corresponding time zone.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Geographic name , Time zone .
Property Range Card Definition
Geographic name rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 A textual description for a Location.
Time zone rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An area which observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial and social purposes.


Additional advantages provided to employees beyond their salary, such as health insurance or retirement plans.
Usage Note
Additional advantages provided to employees beyond their salary, such as health insurance or retirement plans.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Description , Benefit name .
Property Range Card Definition
Description rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Benefit name rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1


An individual who uses the system to find job opportunities.
Usage Note
An individual who uses the system to find job opportunities.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Title , Homepage , Mbox , Name , Phone number , Has profile .
Property Range Card Definition
Title rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 Represents the title or the name of a resource.
Homepage xsd:anyURI 1..1
Mbox rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1
Name rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 The complete name of the Candidate as one string.
Phone number rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 A telephone number through which the Candidate can be contacted.
Has profile rmo:CandidateProfile

Candidate profile

Represents the detailed profile of a Candidate, including credentials, skills experience, and location.
Usage Note
Represents the detailed profile of a Candidate, including credentials, skills experience, and location.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Profile id , Target rate , Has location , Has experience , Receives job desciption , Target occupation , Has qualification , Has credential , Has skills .
Property Range Card Definition
Profile id xsd:integer 1..1 A unique identifier for the candidate profile.
Target rate xsd:double 1..1 Specifies the desired hourly or annual rate of pay for the candidate, indicating their expected compensation for a job.
Has location dct:Location 1
Has experience rmo:Experience 0..*
Receives job desciption rmo:JobDescription 0..*
Target occupation rmo:Role
Has qualification rmo:Qualification 0..*
Has credential rmo:Credential 0..*
Has skills rmo:Skill 1..*


The official recognition of a candidate's expertise or proficiency in a specific domain, typically obtained through examination or evaluation by a professional body.
Usage Note
The official recognition of a candidate's expertise or proficiency in a specific domain, typically obtained through examination or evaluation by a professional body.
Subclass of
For this entity the following properties are defined: Description .
Property Range Card Definition
Description rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.


An organization or business entity that employs individuals.
Usage Note
An organization or business entity that employs individuals.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Description , Company name , Industry , Has location , Posts .
Property Range Card Definition
Description rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Company name rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 The name of the organization or business entity that has posted a job description.
Industry rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1
Has location dct:Location 1
Posts rmo:JobDescription 0..*


An academic or professional qualification obtained by a candidate, such as degrees or certifications.
Usage Note
An academic or professional qualification obtained by a candidate, such as degrees or certifications.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Title , Date awarded .
Property Range Card Definition
Title rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 Represents the title or the name of a resource.
Date awarded xsd:date 1..1 The date when a candidate was granted a particular credential, such as a degree or certification.


The academic qualifications of a Candidate.
Usage Note
The academic qualifications of a Candidate.
Subclass of
For this entity the following properties are defined: Education degree .
Property Range Card Definition
Education degree rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1


Represents the practical knowledge and proficiency gained by a candidate through previous work engagements, projects, or hands-on activities.
Usage Note
Represents the practical knowledge and proficiency gained by a candidate through previous work engagements, projects, or hands-on activities.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Description , Title , Years of experience , Is related to , Is related to , Has skill used .
Property Range Card Definition
Description rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Title rdf:Plainliteral 1..1 Represents the title or the name of a resource.
Years of experience xsd:Integer 1..1 Indicates the total number of years a candidate has worked in their field or occupation.
Is related to rmo:Role 0..*
Is related to rmo:Qualification 0..*
Has skill used rmo:Skill 0..*

Job description

A job opening posted by a company, including job details and requirements.
Usage Note
A job opening posted by a company, including job details and requirements.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Description , Title , Availability , Job id , Project type , Rate , Start date , Specifies location , Requires credential , Requires experience , Has engagement , Requires qualification , Offers position , Requires skill .
Property Range Card Definition
Description rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Title rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 Represents the title or the name of a resource.
Availability rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 Indicates when the job position is open for applications, including specific dates or time frames such as immediate or within three months.
Job id rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 A unique identifier for a job description, used to distinguish it from other job description.
Project type rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 Represents the nature or category of a project, such as software development, research, or marketing.
Rate xsd:decimal 1..1 Specifies the compensation for the job, typically expressed as an hourly rate, salary, or contract amount.
Start date xsd:Date 1..1 Represents the date when a job description, project, or engagement is scheduled to begin.
Specifies location dct:Location 0..*
Requires credential rmo:Credential 0..*
Requires experience rmo:Experience 0..*
Has engagement rmo:TypeOfEngagement 1
Requires qualification rmo:Qualification 0..*
Offers position rmo:Role 1
Requires skill rmo:Skill 1..*


Qualifications are the formal outcome of an assessment and validation process by a competent body determining that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards.
Usage Note
Qualifications are the formal outcome of an assessment and validation process by a competent body determining that an individual has achieved learning outcomes to given standards.
Subclass of
For this entity the following properties are defined: Description , Title , Alt label , Pref label , In scheme .
Property Range Card Definition
Description rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An account of the resource. Additional Information: Description may include but is not limited to: an abstract, a table of contents, a graphical representation, or a free-text account of the resource.
Title rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 Represents the title or the name of a resource.
Alt label rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An alternative lexical label for a resource. Acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, and irregular plural/singular forms may be included among the alternative labels for a concept.
Pref label rdf:plainLiteral 1..1 The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language.
In scheme skos:Concept


Represents the specific job occupations, positions, or professions for which candidates may be qualified or seeking employment opportunities.
Usage Note
Represents the specific job occupations, positions, or professions for which candidates may be qualified or seeking employment opportunities.
Subclass of
For this entity the following properties are defined: Title , Alt label , Pref label , In scheme .
Property Range Card Definition
Title rdf:plainLiteral 1..1 Represents the title or the name of a resource.
Alt label rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1
Pref label rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1
In scheme skos:Concept


A specific capability or proficiency possessed by a candidate, often acquired through training, practice, or experience.
Usage Note
A specific capability or proficiency possessed by a candidate, often acquired through training, practice, or experience.
Subclass of
For this entity the following properties are defined: Title , Years of skill , Alt label , Pref label , Optional for , Essential for , In scheme .
Property Range Card Definition
Title rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 Represents the title or the name of a resource.
Years of skill xsd:integer 1..1 Indicates the number of years a candidate has utilized a specific skill.
Alt label rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An alternative lexical label for a resource. Acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, and irregular plural/singular forms may be included among the alternative labels for a concept.
Pref label rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 The preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language.
Optional for rmo:Role 0..*
Essential for rmo:Role 0..*
In scheme skos:Concept

Type of engagement

Represents various arrangements under which individuals are employed, such as part-time, full-time, or contractual roles.
Usage Note
Represents various arrangements under which individuals are employed, such as part-time, full-time, or contractual roles.
For this entity the following properties are defined: Engagement type , Alt label , Has benefits .
Property Range Card Definition
Engagement type rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 It includes part-time, full-time, or contractual roles.
Alt label rdf:PlainLiteral 1..1 An alternative lexical label for a resource. Acronyms, abbreviations, spelling variants, and irregular plural/singular forms may be included among the alternative labels for a concept.
Has benefits rmo:Benefits 0..*

Controlled Lists in RMO Ontology

Integration of ESCO

The ESCO (European Skills, Competences, Qualifications, and Occupations) controlled lists play a pivotal role in the RMO ontology. These standardized lists provide a comprehensive and consistent vocabulary for key concepts such as skills, occupations, and qualifications.

SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System)

SKOS is commonly used to structure and manage controlled lists in an ontology. It provides a framework for defining concepts, concept schemes, and their relationships.