Publication conventions
5-star Linked Open Data
Title: 5-star Linked Open Data |
Identifier PC-R1 |
Statement: Publishing data specifications shall be compliant with 5-star LOD criteria. |
Checkable: No
Not the domain of shape validation. While some parts of this rule may be implementable with some effort (like checking for dereferenceable IRIs, existing license), this is overall not actionable as SHACL Shapes.
Persistent URI policy
Title: Persistent URI policy |
Identifier PC-R2 |
Statement: The URIs that are used to identify the terms modelled in the data specifications should be dereferenceable Persistent URIs [10rules-puri] and comply with a URI policy (or URI strategy). URIs that are well-defined according to such criteria are often denoted as PURIs [10rules-puri]. SEMIC adheres to the EU persistent URI policy. Each SEMIC URI is dereferenceable in both machine representation (RDF artefacts) and human-readable (HTML artefact). |
Checkable: No
Not the domain of shape validation.
Version management
Title: Version management |
Identifier PC-R3 |
Statement: A consistent version management shall be implemented for the data specification evolution respecting the "semantic versioning" principles. |
Checkable: Yes, partially
This rule sets forth a recommendation for methodology, but also prescribes the version number format according to SemVer, which is a check we can implement through regular-expression text matching.
Versioning information compatible with SemVer exists
Shapes File: semantic_versioning.shacl.ttl
Shape Description(s):
A node shape targeting the class
with a property restriction onowl:versionInfo
of exact cardinality 1, datatype string, and a value pattern matching verbatim the second of the official SemVer regular expressions.-
Non-Compliance Severity: Violation
Non-Compliance Message(s):
Violation of SEMIC rule PC-R3: The ontology shall be versioned following the SemVer specification
Artefact versioning
Title: Artefact versioning |
Identifier PC-R4 |
Statement: The data specification shall be versioned as a whole and never to atomic elements (concepts, relations or constraints). |
Checkable: Yes
No versioning on resources other than the ontology
Shapes File: no_atomic_versioning.shacl.ttl
Shape Description(s):
Node shapes targeting classes of {owl:Class, owl:ObjectProperty, owl:DatatypeProperty} with restrictions of
Non-Compliance Severity: Violation
Non-Compliance Message(s):
Violation of SEMIC rule PC-R4: Never version on atomic elements
URI dereferencing
Title: URI dereferencing |
Identifier PC-R5 |
Statement: Any URI identifiable resource devised in a data specification shall be dereferenceable. |
Checkable: No
Not the domain of shape validation.
Human-readable form
Title: Human-readable form |
Identifier PC-R6 |
Statement: Each data specification shall have a corresponding human-readable form representing the model documentation. |
Checkable: No
Not the domain of shape validation.