Conventions on uml:Generalization Connectors

Title: uml:Generalization connects two classes or two connectors

Identifier: rule:generalization-btw-classes-or-connectors

Statement: uml:Generalization connectors connect a uml:Class element to its superclass uml:Class element, or a uml:Connector to its super-property uml:Connector.


The uml:Generalization connector signifies either:

  • a class-subClass relation and is transformed into rdfs:subClassOf relation standing between source and target classes, or

  • a property-subProperty relation and is transformed into rdfs:subPropertyOf relation standing between source and target properties

Title: uml:Generalization connector with no name

Identifier: rule:generalization-name

Statement: uml:Generalization connectors shall have no name or a target role specified.


The uml:Generalization connectors must have no name (see the General convention on connector names) nor source/target roles specified in the UML model.

Title: uml:Generalization connector with no multiplicity

Identifier: rule:generalization-multiplicity

Statement: uml:Generalization connectors shall have no target or source multiplicity specified.


The multiplicity must not be specified neither at the target nor at the source end of the uml:Generalization connector.

Title: Proxy classes

Identifier: rule:generalization-proxy-classes

Statement: For classes defined in external models proxy uml:Class elements should be defined.


In case a model class should inherit a class from an external model then proxies must be created for those classes. For example, if Buyer specialises an org:Organization, then a proxy for org:Organization must be created in the org package.

Title: Disjoint subclasses

Identifier: rule:generalization-disjoint-subclasses

Statement: Subclasses of the same class, represented by multiple uml:Generalization connectors pointing to the same superclass, are assumed disjoint by default. Exceptions may exist and can be encoded.


In this specification, the subclasses are assumed disjoint by default, unless otherwise specified in the transformations script, or explicitly marked on the generalisation relation with <<non-disjoint>> stereotype. For the converse case the <<disjoint>> stereotype shall be used.

Title: Equivalent classes

Identifier: rule:generalization-equivalent-classes

Statement: Equivalent classes can be represented by using stereotypes on the uml:Generalization connectors.


In case two classes are equivalent, then the \(<<equivalent>>\) or \(<<complete>>\) stereotype should be used as a marker.