Conventions on uml:Realization Connectors

Title: uml:Realization connects objects with classes or enumerations

Identifier: rule:realization-btw-object-and-class-or-enum

Statement: uml:Realization connectors connect a uml:Object element to a uml:Class or uml:Enumeration element.


The uml:Realization connector signifies an instantiation relation, and is transformed into rdf:type relation standing between the source object and the target class. In case the target is a uml:Enumeration element (and the enum is converted into a skos:ConceptScheme instance, and the object into a skos:Concept), then the relation should be translated into a skos:inScheme relation.

Title: uml:Realization connector with no name

Identifier: rule:realization-name

Statement: uml:Realization connectors shall have no name or a target role specified.


The uml:Realization connectors must have no name (see the General convention on connector names) nor source/target roles specified in the UML model.

Title: uml:Realization connector with no multiplicity

Identifier: rule:realization-multiplicity

Statement: uml:Realization connectors shall have no target or source multiplicity specified.


The multiplicity must not be specified neither at the target nor at the source end of the uml:Realization connector.

Title: Proxy objects

Identifier: rule:realization-proxy-objects

Statement: For objects defined in external models proxy uml:Object elements should be defined.


In case an object that is to be used in this model is defined in an external model a proxy uml:Object element should be created so that we can connect it to classes in our model. For example, if we want to refer to the time:unitMonth instance of the class time:TemporalUnit, then a proxy for time:unitMonth individual (and in this case also of the class time:TemporalUnit) must be created (ideally in a dedicated time package).